Relative Colors
The primary advantage of LCH color is the ability to generate one color from another by adjust channels, and expect consistent results.
CSS Colors Level 5 [external]
@function set()
Set individual Lab or LCH channels to specific values, and return the adjusted color. All arguments must be given by keyword, rather than positional order.
Parameters & Return
$color: (color)
The initial Sass color being adjusted
$lightness: null (percentage)
Set lightness to a percentage between 0 and 100%
(Can also use the $l
keyword shorthand)
$chroma: null (number)
Set chroma to a positive number (generally 0-100)
(Can also use the $c
keyword shorthand)
$hue: null (angle)
Set hue to an angle (0deg-360deg)
(Can also use the $h
keyword shorthand)
$a: null (number)
Set the Lab a
channel to any number ±160
$b: null (number)
Set the Lab b
channel to any number ±160
Cannot set both Lab & LCH channels at once
.set {
chroma: blend.set(rebeccapurple, $chroma: 20);
shorthand: blend.set(rebeccapurple, $c: 20);
.set {
chroma: rgb(87, 70, 101);
shorthand: rgb(87, 70, 101);
@function adjust()
Adjust individual Lab or LCH channels up or down by a given amount, and return the adjusted color. All arguments must be given by keyword, rather than positional order.
Parameters & Return
$color: (color)
The initial Sass color being adjusted
$lightness: null (number)
Adjust lightness by given amount
(Can also use the $l
keyword shorthand)
$chroma: null (number)
Adjust chroma by given amount
(Can also use the $c
keyword shorthand)
$hue: null (number)
Adjust hue by given number of degrees
(Can also use the $h
keyword shorthand)
$a: null (number)
Adjust Lab a
by given amount
$b: null (number)
Adjust Lab b
by given amount
Cannot adjust both Lab & LCH channels at once
.set {
hue: blend.adjust(rebeccapurple, $hue: -60);
shorthand: blend.adjust(rebeccapurple, $h: -60);
.set {
hue: rgb(0, 82, 120);
shorthand: rgb(0, 82, 120);
@function scale()
Fluidly scale Lab or LCH channels up or down by a given percentage, and return the adjusted color. All arguments must be given by keyword, rather than positional order.
Parameters & Return
$color: (color)
The initial Sass color being adjusted
$lightness: null (percentage)
Scale lightness by given percentage
of the distance towards 0 or 100
(Can also use the $l
keyword shorthand)
$chroma: null (percentage)
Scale chroma by given percentage
of the distance towards 0 or 100
(Can also use the $c
keyword shorthand)
$hue: null (percentage)
Adjust hue by given percentage of the hue wheel
(Can also use the $h
keyword shorthand)
$a: null (percentage)
Scale Lab a
by given percentage
of the distance towards 160 or -160
$b: null (percentage)
Scale Lab b
by given percentage
of the distance towards 160 or -160
Cannot scale both Lab & LCH channels at once
Scales must be defined using %
.set {
lightness: blend.adjust(rebeccapurple, $lightness: 50%);
shorthand: blend.adjust(rebeccapurple, $l: 50%);
.set {
lightness: rgb(227, 192, 255);
shorthand: rgb(227, 192, 255);
@function error() [private]
@function from()
We also provide a compact syntax for LCH adjustments, based on the proposed CSS relative color syntax. Since Sass is not able to mimic the syntax exactly, we’ve developed a shorthand based on the CSS proposal.
For each channel:
- The single-letter channel name (
l | c | h
) represents no change to the current value of the channel - A single number will replace the current channel value
- A number with
l | c | h
units will multiply the channel l | c | h
followed by a percentage will scale the channel relative to available rangel | c | h
followed by an amount will add or subtract that amount from the current value
Parameters & Return
$color: (color)
The initial Sass color being adjusted
$l: l (l | number | l number)
Adjustments to the l
$c: c (c | number | c number)
Adjustments to the c
$h: h (h | number | h number)
Adjustments to the h
@return (color)
The final color after adjustments
.from {
// set chroma to 20
set: blend.from(rebeccapurple, l, 20, h);
// linear adjustments to a channel
adjust: blend.from(rebeccapurple, l, c, h -60);
// relative scale, e.g. "half-way to white"
scale: blend.from(rebeccapurple, l 50%, c, h);
// multiply the channel value
multiply: blend.from(rebeccapurple, 2l, c, h);
.from {
set: rgb(87, 70, 101);
adjust: rgb(0, 82, 120);
scale: rgb(195, 136, 248);
multiply: rgb(191, 133, 244);