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2016 Posts

  1. CSS Grid example layout
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    Will CSS Grid Layout Enable Creative Design?

    CSS Grid Layout is shaping up to be the layout tool we’ve always wanted on the web. How can we use it to start creating interesting layouts?

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  2. see all Case Study posts
    CoachHub's services and platform demos
    Case Study post type

    CoachHub Application

    Responsive platform for integrated health coaching

    A custom application we designed and developed with the ORCAS team – integrating their suite of self-management tools. We built in support for video chat, in-app messaging, public Q&A, webinars, file sharing, health assessments, and more. The app has been used internally by the US Coast Guard, US Military, and National Institutes of Health.

  3. Small-screen design proposal for the new OddBird website
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    Defining Goals, Exploring Possibilities

    OddBird met for a work retreat in April. On the Oddgenda: grow the company, and redesign OddSite. I came home from retreat tasked with reviewing OddBird’s eb presence, and proposing ways to improve communication about our process and services in order to attract new clients.

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  4. Miriam Suzanne answers questions on SitePoint
    Link post type

    Sass Toolkits, Live Q&A

    I did a live Q&A at SitePoint talking about: Customizing Susy for your projects Other ways to do layouts (and why you might not even need a toolkit) How to select a toolkit, or build your very own!

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  5. Early design concepts for OddBird's new site
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    Open Design for

    We’re re-building our website in the open, and writing about our process along the way. We hope you’ll follow along and even get involved!

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  6. Article post type

    Clarity Conference

    It was an honor to be part of the first ever Clarity Conference in San Francisco – a beautiful event organized by Jina, and completely focused on Style Guides.

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  7. see all Article posts
    Jump Start Sass, by Miriam Suzanne and Kitty Giraudel
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    Jump Start Sass

    Get up to speed with Sass in a weekend…

    Using Sass, you can write your stylesheets in a more concise, dynamic, and readable way, and cut down many of the repetitive tasks that come with writing vanilla CSS. This book provides a thorough introduction to Sass for the beginner.

  8. Jump Start Sass, by Miriam Suzanne and Kitty Giraudel
    Link post type

    Sass Architecture

    Excerpt from Jump Start Sass, chapter 11

    I’m excited to release Jump Start Sass, a book I co-authored with Kitty Giraudel. Digital copies are available from SitePoint, with print editions sold by O’Reilly. Here’s an excerpt from Chapter 11, Sass Architecture.

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  1. Article post type

    SassConf 2014

    SassConf is right around the corner, and Claudina has been working hard to make it happen!

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  2. Ada Initiative
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    Python for Ada

    Donate to the Ada Initiative today to support women in open technology and culture. If we hit $10000 by Friday, Jacob and Alex and Jim and Carl will match your donations!

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  3. Article post type

    jQuery Chicago 2014

    Five practical JavaScript coding takeaways from jQuery Conference Chicago 2014.

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  4. see all Article posts
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    PostgreSQL Transactions and SQLAlchemy

    SQLAlchemy defaults to implicitly opening a new transaction on your first database query. If you prefer to start your transactions explicitly instead, I’ve documented here my explorations in getting that to work.


  1. Article post type

    2013 Wrap-up

    A brief review of 2013: OddBird, year six.

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  2. Article post type

    Susy Next, Alpha 5

    Susy Next alpha 5 is out, and loaded with changes. We now require Sass 3.3, we no longer require Compass, and there have been major syntax improvements. We’re getting real close to launch, and we’d love to know what you think. Play around, and let us know!

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  3. Article post type

    Map-Set vs. Map-Merge

    The difference between map-set and map-merge? Almost nothing.

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