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Carl talking at a conference

Getting started with automated testing

The hardest part of testing is getting the ball rolling. Once you’ve picked your tools and started writing tests, the added confidence you have in making changes to your code, and the time you save in repetitive manual testing, can quickly become addictive! If you never got over that initial speed bump, or you’ve tried testing but it hasn’t yet clicked, this talk is for you.

Mia from behind,
standing at a laptop -
speaking to a conference audience
and gesturing to one side

Cascading Style Systems

A workshop on resilient & maintainable CSS

New CSS features are shipping at an unprecedented rate – cascade layers, container queries, the :has() selector, subgrid, nesting, and so much more. It’s a good time to step back and understand how these tools fit together in a declarative system – a resilient cascade of styles.

Register for the October workshop »
