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Pycon 2014, Montreal, April 9-17

Set Your Code Free

Got some code that you’ve written that would be useful to others, but actually releasing it feels like too much new stuff to figure out? Releasing software does take some work, but this talk will take you step-by-step through the process with specific recommendations and tools. We’ll cover preparing your code for release, packaging it, releasing it, and maintaining it over time.

There are a lot of things to think about when releasing code to the world, if you want others to be able to use it and contribute back. We’ll cover:

Mia from behind,
standing at a laptop -
speaking to a conference audience
and gesturing to one side

Cascading Style Systems

A workshop on resilient & maintainable CSS

New CSS features are shipping at an unprecedented rate – cascade layers, container queries, the :has() selector, subgrid, nesting, and so much more. It’s a good time to step back and understand how these tools fit together in a declarative system – a resilient cascade of styles.

Register for the October workshop »
